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Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Protections

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) protects those who serve our nation. If you are a servicemember, these protections can save you from a variety of financial and legal issues. Attorney Joseph A. DeWoskin, P.C. helps you understand the SCRA in a way that’s relevant to your life.

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Long Distance Parenting Plans for Military Families

Long-distance parenting creates distinct challenges, especially for military families. With deployments, relocations, and other demands, maintaining a solid parent-child relationship requires thoughtful planning and understanding.

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Dividing Military Retirement

This critical asset is not merely a testament to a military member's years of service—it is a shared construct of labor, sacrifice, and dedication, often interwoven with the significant milestones of a family's life.

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The Role of an Expert Witness in a Military Divorce

In the realm of divorce law, military divorces hold a unique position. There are similar factors at play, but with extra layers of complexity, such as the division of military pensions, healthcare benefits, and how deployments can affect child custody arrangements.

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Child Custody When One Parent Is in the Military

Divorce or separation can pose unique challenges for military parents, particularly when it comes to child custody. If you're a military parent, you may find yourself grappling with questions and concerns about how your service may impact your custody rights

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What Happens After Mediation For Child Custody?

Navigating through the maze of child custody mediation can be an overwhelming process. The uncertainty of what lies ahead, the emotional turmoil, and the worry about the final outcome can make this a particularly stressful time.

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What Happens if There Is No Resolution in Mediation?

Mediation offers people an alternative option for dispute resolution and helps them avoid the sometimes lengthy—and always costly—process of litigation in court. But what if a resolution cannot be reached through mediation?

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What Are the Advantages of Mediation?

When we think of any legal process, we also usually think of that process happening in a courtroom. While it is true that many civil and criminal issues are often litigated in court, going to court is not the only solution when you have a legal problem.

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What to Expect at Mediation

When couples want to end their marriage, part of the divorce process may include mediation. Mediation is one of the most popular alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods that help couples take control of their situation and work together toward a mutually-beneficial resolution.

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Preparing for Mediation

When faced with a legal dispute regarding family law, mediation is often the best approach for resolution. However, although working with a trained mediator can lead to faster and less expensive legal agreements, it’s not a blanket solution. If you’re considering mediation you’ll still need to educate yourself on what to expect and how to properly prepare for it to get the most benefit.

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